When the night choruses fall silent
And the hair on your arms rise
When cool breeze comes out of the stillness
And goosebumps form like a rash
The glow of the moon that lit your way
Only seems to emphasize your demise
The speed of your feet quickens now
From a simple stroll to a mad dash
Looking for the shape that startled you
Hoping your fear is silly and untrue
Just then your run is in vain
You feel air born, you feel a sharp pain
The sting of a bee or some insect of the night
What is it that gave you such a freight
You grow weak and sleep seems to take hold
Your vision goes blurry and you feel cold
But as quick as it happened, you get an adrenaline surge
All your worries, pain seemingly purge
Your vision is restored, the world is clear
You see your attacker but have no fear
Nevallia stands there like a vision before you
This beautiful creature accomplished what she set out to do
You walk the night as comfortable as the day
Never to question mortality or bodily decay
The vampires kiss claimed your life
But also quelled your anxieties in a world full of strife